Website Refresh for Clinical Ethics Network


Through collaboration with a design agency, we developed a WordPress website that’s scalable and client-friendly, ensuring administrating staff have control of their own website for the first time in years.

The Solution

Much like many of our WordPress development projects, we prioritised both the frontend aesthetics, adhering closely to the approved design, and the ease-of-editing for the client.

By leveraging a combination of WordPress, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), and our bespoke development, we created a system for UKCEN to efficiently manage applications and process memberships for their network.

Training/tutorial provided

As much as we love looking after client websites, clients should always have full control over their website if they wish. This is where WordPress’ default Gutenberg editor with our custom block development comes in.

After training, the client is fully prepared to update their own website, knowing we’re just a phone call or email away for support should we be needed.

David and his team are wonderful to work with. They have supported us through a major overhaul of our website, and we couldn’t be more grateful for their responsiveness and overall willingness to help iron out any problems. Thank you for going above and beyond!